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The Importance of Clean Air in Your Home

The Importance of Clean Air in Your Home

If you are wondering how to have fresh air throughout your home, then you have come to the right place! Our ventilation systems are the perfect solution to have good indoor air quality and ensures that your home is a clean, healthy and safe place for you and your family.

Why is it so important to have clean air? It is important because indoor air quality can be up to 5 times worse than outdoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality can be caused by many different things. One main cause is air pollution from outside entering through doors and windows. Although opening windows maybe seems like a good idea by allowing fresh air into our homes, opening windows may be in fact worsening your indoor air quality. This is particularly evident in cities and areas off higher population causing pollution.

The important thing to always to remember is that when air is unclean, we often cannot see the harmful particles, therefore we could be continuing to breathe harmful and polluted air without even noticing both outside and inside of our homes!

There are many things within your home that can affect your indoor air quality such as moisture which can lead to damp, condensation and mould, as well as other things such as dirt, dust and pet dander. Even simple things such as breathing, showering and cooking can all add excess moisture in your air; therefore, it is so important to extract this moisture laden air and replace it with clean, filtered air. By installing a ventilation system in your home, you can be sure that you air is clean! The best system that we can recommend is a Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) system. An MVHR system will provide your living areas with fresh and clean air and extract old, moisture laden air out.

Other ways to keep on top of your indoor air quality is by vacuuming to keep on top of dirt and dust! Our Central Vacuum Systems that will help keep your home cleaner and healthier! We stock only the highest Central Vacuum Systems from leading brand Sachvac.

You could save your life by installing MVHR as clean air is highly important to your health. MVHR systems can help pre-existing respiratory conditions such as asthma and other lung conditions, but it can also prevent breathing conditions as it removes excess moisture, dirt and dust which are all factors that can lead to allergies and health conditions.

With MVHR systems you will not only benefit from a cleaner and fresher home, but you will also be using a system with benefits including:

Our MVHR systems are easy to install and you can even do it DIY! We have a range of kit options – check them out here. If self-installation isn’t for you, we can provide an installer in your area, find out more here.

Here at BPC we have a large range of units and systems available for all sizes of homes, whether it be bungalows, flats, retrofit projects or new new builds. We have systems to suit all budgets and applications, available with or without ductwork and installation kits!

Our range of units include units from, leading brands such as Vent-Axia, Domus, Airflow and Komfovent with units that extract, supply, provide good ventilation, optional cooling and supplementary heating.

To find out more about our systems and enquire about installing ventilation in your home, call us on 028 2827 51510 or Contact Us now and our friendly sales team will be happy to help you provide fresh air in your home.

You can also send us your plans via our website and receive a FREE quotation from our team!